Breakout Classes
11:35-1:15 Working Lunch + Ask Me Anything Panel
Ask Me Anything Panelists: Keith Dziki, CFE, Executive Director of Development, Wireless Zone; Jonathan Weathington, CEO, Shuckin' Shack Oyster Bar; Christina Chambers, CFE, Chief Franchise Officer, DOXA Talent; Amy Elder, CFE, Sr. Director of Franchise Development & Administration at Papa John's; Paige Robinson Dosch, CFE, Vice President of Franchise Development, American Family Care; Pete Baldine, President of Moran Family of Brands
The Importance of the Financial Health of Your First 10-20 Franchisees - Brook Cohen, Franchise Relations Manager of FranFund, Tyra Hazlip, Franchise Relations Manager of FranFund
The Franchise Tech Stack: Using Actionable Data to Empower Franchise Success - Monty Miller, President & COO
Madhav Surapaneni, CRO of Orchatect
After the FDD: Streamline New Store Openings - Panel Discussion with Kater Danford, Northeast Color; Tim Matey, FC Dadson; Ty Brewster, FranReal; Karen Booze, Answer Connect; Facilitated by Karen Wenning, Suttle-Straus
Leveraging AI Tools to Create Engaging Training Content - Doug Mark, President
Cassie Mark, Customer Care & Owner of LearningZen
Insider's Playbook: Geo-Targeting in Franchise Development Marketing - Madeleine Zook, CMO of Rolling Suds
Key Growth Strategies For Emerging Franchisors - Mike Bickford, Client Support & Sales Manager, Mike Brugger, President of Franchise Real Estate of Accurate Franchising
Strategic Clarity: Knowing Which Franchise Marketing Tactics Drive Revenue and Which Support It - Elyse Lupin, Elysium Marketing Group
Franchise Sales During Dark Periods - Megan Center, Partner of Quarles & Brady LLP
The 5 Immutable Laws of a Lead-Generating
Franchise Website - Madalina Iordache, CFE, CEO of Bright Pink Agency
Lights, Camera, Conversion: The Power of Real Stories in Franchise Development - Carli Showmaker, Owner of Showmaker Productions
3 Things to Do (Or Die) in Franchise Development Marketing - Garrett Gillin, MBA, Principal Jon Vogel, MBA, Principal of units. and 215 Marketing
The Franchise Growth Framework: Predictably Convert Prospects into Raving Franchisees through Automation - Renée Boudakian, CFE, Co-Founder & CEO of Rubicon Franchise Partners
AI Power Moves: Architect Your 2025 Breakthrough - Ingrid Schneider, CEO
Patti Rother, President of Stay in Your Lane
Lead Gen Best Practices: How We Generated Over 500,000 Qualified Leads - Pamela LaBelle, President & CEO of BizSold | Business Exchange
M&A Implications For Your Franchise Development Process - Alicia Miller, NACD.DC, CMAA, CFE, Founder & Managing Director of Emergent Growth Advisors
Revitalize to Recruit: Brand Refreshing as a Franchisee Magnet - Dawn Kane, CEO, Co-Founder
Shelly Bythewood, Executive Director of Client Services of Hot Dish Agency
Ten Reasons Why You're Not Making More Franchise Sales and What to Do About It - Art Coley, CEO, ROS® powered by CGI Franchise
From Inquiry to Sale: Optimizing the Candidate Journey - Kelly Tope, Sr. Director of Franchise Development, Full Speed Automotive; Paul Dorsey, CEO, Jantize; Jania Bailey, CEO, FranNet; Rob Lancit, VP of Franchise Development, Stratus Building Solutions; Facilitated by Jam Hashmi, CEO & Co-Founder of ClickTecs & FranchiseSoft
Franchise Development and Marketing Alignment: The Power Duo - Jack Humbert, SVP of Franchise Development, Empower Brands; Carrie Evans, CDO, Dine Growth Group; Jim DiRugeris, Sr. Vice President of Franchise Sales, Lightbridge Academy; Amanda House, Franchise Marketing Director, Lightbridge Academy; Facilitated by Jeff Horst, Sr. Franchise Business Advisor, Thryv